A Very Special October

Whitetail Stags

The Forest king and his brothers

October 2016 is a very special season of ending and beginning. Of course Celtic New Year, Samhain, the beginning of winter, is at the edge of mind.Casting the longest shadow, however, is this being the October of the fourth year–the eve of presidental election month. At my house, as I prepare for the coming winter celebrations, new president included, I open the gates of change in household decor and “fall clean”, letting in new ideas. No longer do I have to strike the summer screens and put in storm windows, but I enter the season with a “blank canvas” sort of mind. This is “winter faire” year: year four of a circle of four, and the theme for this year’s holiday decor calls for all things that suggest the cleansing, purifying power of the cold. You may catch some of this year’s holiday decor theme on Pintrest, “Edia’s Holiday Home”. Here’s my holiday decorating cycle:

  1. 2013: Year one – Red with Gold – renaissance ispired; contemporary
  2. 2014: Year two – Red with Green – Retro inspired; traditional
  3. 2015: Year three – Mistletoe Harvest – green; nature inspired; historical
  4. 2016: Year Four – Winter Faire – ice blue; snow, winter queen, mirror surfaces

wizardofoz_4675As we look forward to what promises to be an election with lots of thunder and lightning  this is no time to be decidedly silent, no matter what position of choice. The truth is that each of us individually is making that thunder and lightning behind the curtain of the voting booth….

and that’s no “humbug”. Happy Celtic New Year,
